UPCOMING: Friday, November 29th: Phil & Mindia teach two workshops to review the International Rally (Flashmob) West Coast Swing, to be PERFORMED at the US OPEN!

EXCITING NEWS!!! Phil & Mindia are honored to be teaching two workshops at the US OPEN, to review the 2019 INTERNATIONAL RALLY (Flashmob) WEST COAST SWING (IRWCS) routine!

Check out the flyer!

It’s meant to be a practice/ review of the routine, generally not to be learned for the first time the day of the performance. The routine will be performed after Opening Ceremonies, & will be seen worldwide, via live broadcast on GlobalDance.tv WOW! Any couple is welcome to join who knows the routine; let Phil & Mindia know if u need a partner. NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE A 3 DAY/WEEKEND PASS TO THE EVENT TO TAKE THE WORKSHOPS and/ or PERFORM. Contact Phil or Mindia to schedule a private lesson. If you learned the routine already, don't wait to refresh, start practicing now. Be camera ready Lol. Thanks to Lou Szed for the opportunity. Come join the fun! Burbank Marriott Hotel.